"We believe that saying the truth of the product creates authenticity"
Beef pays maximum attention to what the consumer asks for every day, in an approach to consumerism that in the last years has changed deeply in the demand for semifinished materials, in the attention towards issues like innovation, animal well-being, consumption of water and soil. Beef s.l.r. pursues a policy of maximum attention towards the environment, territory, and quality and this lets us put on the table an outlined, safe, and full of taste product. In recent years indeed, Beef has developed a high sensibility towards the disclosure of new breedings that are more respectful towards animals; in our research of ethic methods of breeding, we pay attention to the respect of race-specific behavior to always guarantee better animal well-being.

Up to today, our breeders use highly virtuous methods. What differentiates us is believing in the creation of that extra value from extensive research on the trends of consumers but without ever forgetting the fundamental bases of respect of life, always researching a morality that corresponds principally towards the well-being of animals, the best use of each and every cut of meat, the respect of the animal that it comes from, the commitment and value that it expresses. The Italian breedings from which we draw our needs satisfy the communitarian regulations on animal well-being.